最新电视剧网为您提供最新的免费新番动漫第三方在线播放资讯。这部最新好看的<<天剑>>在2013 年在美国开始上映,由出名的导演:Gun,Ho,Jang主持拍摄,由著名的演员:安娜·托芙,托马斯·简,阿尔弗雷德·莫里纳等人参与演出,一经播出就引起不少关注。 以下是这部<<天剑>>的剧情介绍:Heavenly Sword is a dramatic tale of revenge that sees Nariko (Anna Torv), a fiery red-haired heroine, embark on a quest for vengeance against the invading King Bohan (Alfred Molina) and his army. Once considered the failure of a legendary prophecy, Nariko must wield a sword that was ultimately meant for another. This ancient Heavenly Sword, once belonging to a powerful deity, can never be wielded by a mortal without it slowly and inevitably killing them. For Nariko, it is a race against time to avenge her clan before her life is irreparably overtaken by the omnipotent Heavenly Sword.还有更多更好看的和这部<<天剑>>一样的好看的最新动漫相关内容值得观看,请收藏我们的网站【www.zuixindianshiju.com】,我们会第一时间更新这部<<天剑>>相关的更多资讯,敬请期待!