最新电视剧网为您提供最新的免费剧情片第三方在线播放资讯。这部最新好看的<<无尽的战壕>>在2019 年在西班牙开始上映,由出名的导演:,埃特尔·阿瑞吉,乔恩·加拉诺,何塞·玛利亚·戈纳加主持拍摄,由著名的演员:,安东尼奥·德·拉·托雷,贝伦·奎斯塔,埃米利奥·帕拉西奥斯,Vicente,Vergara,José,Manuel,Poga,更多...等人参与演出,一经播出就引起不少关注。 以下是这部<<无尽的战壕>>的剧情介绍:入围第67届圣塞巴斯蒂安电影节主竞赛单元。 Higinio and Rosa have only been married for a few months when the Civil War breaks out, representing a serious threat to his life. Helped by his wife, they decide to use a hole dug into their own home as a provisional hiding place. The fear of potential reprisals and the love they feel for one another will condemn them to an imprisonment that will last for more than 30 years.还有更多更好看的和这部<<无尽的战壕>>一样的好看的最新电影相关内容值得观看,请收藏我们的网站【www.zuixindianshiju.com】,我们会第一时间更新这部<<无尽的战壕>>相关的更多资讯,敬请期待!